Appendix 1Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Annual Report
 Appendix A AA







Background to the report 




Introduction, aims, values and ethics




Meeting our legal duties and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion objectives




The communities of Lancashire




Workforce Profile




Summary, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Activity




Other areas of focus relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion




Values and culture




Training and Development




Recruitment and Selection




Achievement and progression of firefighter apprentices




Workforce strategies and policies




Engagement and consultation




Performance Management




Bullying and Harassment




Issues of concern




Gender Pay Gap  




Appendix A - Workforce Equality Profile




Appendix B - Recruitment Profile




Appendix C - Disciplinary, Grievance, Harassment and Bullying




Appendix D - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion completed

Action Plan – 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023




Appendix E - Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

Action Plan – 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024


Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Annual equality diversity and inclusion report 2023-2024


1.    Background to the report


The Lancashire Combined Fire Authority (LCFA) is responsible for governing  Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS).  The Service employs in the region of 1300 people who are employed on Grey Book (operational) and Green Book (support services) terms and conditions.  These roles include managerial members of staff, operational firefighters, administrators, fire safety, community safety and business support staff. 


As an employer our aim is to recruit and develop a workforce which is diverse, can meet the needs of the diverse communities within Lancashire and to ensure that our workforce feels valued, can work with dignity and respect, protected from any type of prejudice or discrimination.


This Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report documents our performance in relation to:

·         Meeting our legal duties over the year 2022 – 2023.

·         The workforce profile as of 31 March 2023.

·         Our plans in relation to equality and diversity for the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024. 

·         Key monitoring equality data/information.


It makes visible how we are meeting our obligations to recognise diversity, value inclusion and promote equality. 


2.    Introduction, aims, values and ethics


2.1 Lancashire Fire and Rescue aims


Making Lancashire safer is our commitment to making sure that everything we do improves the safety of our diverse communities.  We do this by using our skills, experience and resources to make people safer in much broader terms across life’s stages:

·         helping people to start safe

·         live safe

·         age safe

·         be safe on our roads


LFRS is committed to its purpose of “making Lancashire safer” and it has developed the following priorities to support this intention:


·         Valuing our people so they can focus on making Lancashire safer.

·         Preventing fires and other emergencies from happening.

·         Protecting people and property when fires happen.

·         Responding to fire and other emergencies quickly and competently.

·         Deliveringvalue for money in how to use our resources.


2.2 Lancashire Fire and Rescue Values


We define the expectations of our staff within our Annual Service Plan and our values define how we STRIVE to achieve our purpose of “making Lancashire safer” by ensuring what we do is guided by strong principles of:


·           Service:               Making Lancashire safer is the most important thing we do.

·           Trust:                   We Trust the people we work with.

·           Respect:             We respect each other. 

·           Integrity:              We do what we say we will do. 

·           Value:                  We actively listen to others.

·           Empowered:       We contribute to decisions and improvements.


Risk is dynamic and fire disproportionately affects certain demographic groups.  We therefore focus on the potential root causes and the people who are most vulnerable to them; those living alone, with health issues, with impaired mobility, affected by socio-economic deprivation and drug and/or alcohol users.


2.3 The National Code of Ethics


We abide by the Core Code of Ethics developed by the National Fire Chiefs’ Council (NFCC) and the Local Government Association (LGA) which sets out a clear set of principles in terms of the professional standards of practice and behaviour.  The Seven Principles of Public Life form the foundation of the Core Code.  These principles outline the ethical standards which those working in the public sector are expected to adhere. The code identifies five primary ethical principles which reflect best practice principles and has been designed to underpin the way we serve our communities, carry out our role, and work together:


·         Putting our communities first – we put the interest of the public, the community and service users first.

·         Integrity – we act with integrity including being open, honest and consistent in everything we do.

·         Dignity and respect – making decisions objectively based on evidence, without discrimination or bias.

·         Leadership – we are all positive role models, always demonstrating flexibility and resilient leadership.  We are all accountable for everything we do and challenge all behaviour that falls short of the highest standards.

·         Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) – We continually recognise and promote the value of EDI both within the LFRS and the wider communities in which we serve.  We stand against all forms of discrimination, create equal opportunities, promote equality, foster good relations and celebrate difference.


We require all our employees and everyone in LFRS to behave in accordance with the Service values and to follow the Core Code, including those working with or on behalf of the Service. 


3.    Meeting our legal duties and equality diversity and inclusion objectives  


The annual priorities of the Service are detailed in our Annual Service Plan 2023-2024, and the Service’s Community Risk Management Plan 2022 - 2027 explains the LFRS vision in terms of how we will achieve our mission of “making Lancashire safer”.


The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Annual Report is part of the suite of delivery plans, in addition to the Workforce Plan, the Operational Training Strategy, the Training and Development Plan and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Plan which explain the interventions that will take place to support the achievement of the LFRS mission and values and the LFRS People Strategy. 


The EDI Steering Group Chaired by the Chief Fire Officer is responsible for monitoring the development and the delivery of the EDI Annual Report


(i)     The Equality Act 2010


The Equality Act 2010 states that everyone has the right to be treated fairly and equally.  The Act has two main purposes, it brings together and simplifies all the existing discrimination law and strengthens the law to further support progress on equality.


In the exercise of its functions (including any functions carried out by an external supplier/organisation) LFRS must have due regard to:


·         Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.  Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

·         Fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those whodo not.


These are often called the three main aims of the general duty and are detailed in the Equality Act 2010 Section 149.  The Equality Duty is supported by two main specific duties which require public bodies to:

·         Publish equality information at least annually.

·         Set and publish equality objectives at least every four years.


LFRS reports progress against its equality objectives and how it is meeting its obligations under the equality duty via the annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report.


(ii)  The Human Rights Act 1998


All public bodies and other bodies carrying out public functions must comply with the Human Rights Act.  Human Rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in Europe regardless of their nationality and citizenship.

Human Rights are based on five principles known as FREDA:

·         Fairness

·         Respect

·         Equality

·         Dignity

·         Autonomy


The Human Rights Act sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that individuals in the UK have access to, these rights are called “the convention rights”.


(iii)                Equality Objectives


Further to our review of the risks within the communities of Lancashire, the Service has developed the following equality objectives in supporting:


Our Communities:


·         Support local businesses to reduce the risk of fire and remain compliant within fire safety legislation.

·         Reduce the number and impact of fire and other emergencies to our diverse communities across Lancashire.

·         Develop and deliver a prevention service targeting our most vulnerable communities.


Our Workforce:


·         Promote equality in our workforce policies and workforce practices.

·         Develop our staff to ensure they can respond competently meeting the different needs of ourdiverse communities.


(iv)   Protected Characteristics (or protected groups)


LFRS aims to ensure that no one receives less favourable treatment for reasons relating to all recognised protected characteristics covered below by the Equality Act 2010:


·         Age

·         Disability

·         Gender reassignment

·         Marriage and civil partnership (in respect of eliminating unlawful discrimination)

·         Pregnancy and maternity

·         Race – this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality

·         Religion or belief – this includes lack of belief

·         Sex (gender)

·         Sexual orientation


     (v) Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) - Equality Analysis


Equality analysis within an EIA is an effective tool to demonstrate how the Service is meeting its legal requirements under the public sector equality duty, identifying the impact of policies and decisions on staff and communities ensuring that the impact is fully understood, and any negative impact is mitigated.  EIAs are completed where there is an impact on people, or the community.  The Service complies with the NFCC equality impact assessment tool kit. 


The Service has recognised the need to strengthen its approach to EIA, which has been updated to incorporate an element of quality assurance to provide more scrutiny of the EIA.  Further to the review of fire cover delivered during 2022 an external company was utilised to undertake the EIA, this ensured that the EIA was robust and independent.  The assessment process was also used as a learning opportunity for staff in undertaking equality analysis.  Comprehensive training has previously been undertaken in relation to the completion of an EIA’s and this continues to be part of the middle manager development programme.  A peer review was planned, but this is now going to be undertaken as part of the external audit for 2023.


(vi) Commissioning and Procuring Services 


LFRS will ensure that any partnership it is involved in operates in line with equality principles and associated equality duties.  All contracts are required to agree to LFRS terms and conditions, which will include relevant clauses in relation to equalities.  Additional scrutiny is incorporated within the procurement process where it is considered appropriate.  For each procurement project, the lead stakeholder is responsible for completing an equality impact initial screen and subsequent assessment where required.  Where an assessment is required and undertaken, the internal customer/lead stakeholder must ensure this is done pre-procurement and any required changes are made to their specification/requirements before any exercise progresses.  The Head of Property is part of the NFCC National Fire Estates Group, one of its priorities is to support the development of dignified facilities/EDI standards and improvements. 


Since last year, several cultural reviews in other Services has prompted the HMICFRS to encourage Services to deliver on a number of tasks and to report on a number of areas, the EDI Steering Group also monitors progress in relation to these activities.


4.   The communities of Lancashire   


2021 Census population figures show that Lancashire has a population of 1,531,127 people.  Since the 2011 census, the population has grown by 4.8%.  Lancashire is home to some of the most deprived areas in the country, as calculated by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), which can lead to increased risk in communities.  The largest ethnic group in Lancashire was white (86.6%) and other than white ethnicities formed 13.4% of the population[1].


The 2021 Census indicated 20.1% of the population were aged 65 and over, 59.1% aged between 18 and 64, with 20.8% aged under 18.


Pendle had 29.4% of people who were ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities).  In Preston the rate was 27.4%.  In Blackburn with Darwen the proportion of the population who are ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities), is 39.6%, by far the highest in Lancashire.  In Blackpool the rate was low at just under 7,500, accounting for just over 5% of the population.  Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani was the largest minority group in Lancashire.  


On the day of the March 2021 Census, a total of 806,000 people classified themselves in the Lancashire area as Christian.  A further 479,900 stated no religion, 141,300 indicated that their religion was Muslim, 82,000 did not give a response, whilst the other religious groups in Lancashire together accounted for 22,000.  Blackburn with Darwen (35.0%) and Pendle (26.0%) had the highest number of people who stated they were Muslim.  66.4% of people in the Ribble Valley stated they were Christian.  Among other religions, Preston (3.0%) has well above the Lancashire average of Hindus and the largest percentage of Sikhs (0.7%) in Lancashire.  


Deprivation is measured across England through the combined Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD 2019) which is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas known as Lower-Level Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in England.  Types of deprivation are often associated with each other, for example health combined with the influence of an individual’s living environment and lifestyle choices can all add to vulnerability.  These, in turn, can present hazards and risks that an individual may be susceptible to due to their circumstances.  In 2019 Lancashire had 186 (5.7%) of its LSOAs in the top 1% of the most deprived neighbourhoods in England.

The LFRS fire risk model uses IMD information to establish our response arrangements, thereby targeting those most at risk. 

5. Workforce Profile  


Public authorities, covered by the specific duties, must publish information to demonstrate their compliance with the general equality duty.  This information must include information relating to people who share relevant protected characteristics, who are its employees, and people affected by its policies and practices.   LFRS has developed and published a workforce demographic of its employees and this information is attached at Appendix A.  This is further supported by an analysis of recruitment shown at Appendix B.  


Monitoring equality and diversity in the workforce enables LFRS to identify how employment policies are working and to identify areas where these may appear to be working disproportionately on certain groups of staff.  With effect from 2022, the Service commenced reporting the demographic profile of its workforce to the Performance Committee as part of its performance reporting arrangements. 


6. Summary of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Activity (EDI)


The detail of our progress in relation to EDI is summarised in our completed action plan attached at Appendix D.  The new Action Plan 2023 -2024 is attached at Appendix E.


7. Other areas of focus relating to equality, diversity and inclusion  


7.1       Accessibility


LFRS Corporate Communications Department ensures that information is made available in a variety of formats and using multiple channels to best reach Lancashire’s diverse communities.  The Service’s equality and diversity values are promoted in key publications and information sources internally and externally.  LFRS provides information in printed form and via digital channels including the LFRS website.  The website meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA, which is an internationally recognised set of recommendations for improving web accessibility by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).  LFRS is continuing to work towards compliance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 and achieving Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA standard.  


Making a website or mobile app accessible means making sure it can be used by as many people as possible.  This includes those with:


·      impaired vision

·      motor difficulties

·      cognitive impairments or learning disabilities

·      deafness or impaired hearing


There are four design principles:


·                     perceivable - users can recognise and use your service with the senses that are available to them.  For example, we provide descriptive text for images and videos and the ability to change the contrast and text size.

·                     operable - users can find and use your content, regardless of how they choose to access it (for example, using a keyboard or voice commands).  For example, we do not use blinking or flashing content and the main navigation is accessible by keyboard shortcuts.

·                     understandable - people can understand your content and how the Service works.  For example, we use plain English, keep sentences short and do not use words and phrases that people will not recognise.

·                     robust - content can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents (including reasonably outdated, current, and anticipated browsers and assistive technologies).  For example, we use valid HTML, so assistive technologies can accurately interpret and parse content.


During 2023/2023, the Service published an updated accessibility statement on the Services website, this is a legal requirement and details accessibility challenges within the site and the plan for improvements.  The Service also conducted an accessibility audit of the external website and internal sites using an external specialist to inform areas of development. The Service has since committed to developing a new web site that is fully accessible and which will have enhanced functionality with work due to be completed in 2023.

The Corporate Communications Department actively supports the prevention work of LFRS ensuring that key messages are targeted at those individuals who are most at risk.  Support of prevention work, campaigns including cooking safety, bonfire and firework safety, electrical safety were targeted at individuals most at risk.  A TikTok account was launched to further reach young people on issues such as water safety and work with partners was undertaken to extend the reach of its a cost-of-living campaign targeted at people at an increased risk of fire due to financial reasons,

The Department carries out positive action campaigns when recruiting to encourage women and under-represented groups to apply and supports several national campaigns and special events including Pride Month, I’m not a Muslim but I will fast for one day, celebration of International Women’s Day and Neurodiversity.  The department published fire safety advice in 26 additional languages on the website to make the information more accessible to people whose first language is not English. In addition, a series of fire safety videos are available in British Sign Language and the Department can provide information in large print on request. All videos are produced with subtitles, including public safety videos from emergency incidents.  To ensure all social media content is accessible, the Department produced guidance and delivered training across the service to social media users on how to create accessible content. The department applies measures from the British Dyslexia Association’s style guide in both internal and external material to consider the visual stress experienced by some dyslexic people and to facilitate ease of reading.

Further to the HMICFRS recommendations on values and culture the Department promoted to staff the variety of ways in which they can report issues of concern and the external website has been updated making it easier for members of the public to report issues of concern about members of staff. 

8. Values and Culture

A review of the London Fire Brigade identified several key areas of failing which contributed to its poor organisational culture, further to the review several Services identified similar issues relating to misogyny, racism, and bullying.  In response the HMICFRS produced a series of recommendations which Services are expected to report progress, the Service has adopted all the recommendations and they are in the process of being implemented. 

One of the recommendations includes the adoption of the national Code of Ethics, which the Service immediately adopted when it was launched, the Deputy Chief Fire Officer has been confirmed as the senior officer responsible for the Code of Ethics and development sessions have been delivered on station to 407 employees and will continue to progress into 2023.  The Service’s induction EDI eLearning module, which is compulsory for all those joining the Service, has been updated to include the Code of Ethics, and new apprentices undertake specific development on the Service values, the Code of Ethics and the Services expectations in relation to behaviour. 

In response to changes in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act the Service is now undertaking standard DBS checks for new starters in relation to some categories of support staff, all community safety advisors and all operational members of staff and also checks in relation to existing members of staff.


More specific detail in relation to disciplinary, grievances and recruitment and selection is included in this report and is being provided to the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group providing greater scrutiny and ensuring there is no negative impact on a particular minority group in terms of recruitment, progression and the application of the Services policy and processes. 


9. Training and Development

All members of staff undertake a corporate induction eLearning induction which covers the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion, the risks of unconscious bias, the Service values and the national Code of Ethics.  All members of staff undertake development in equality, diversity and inclusion, safeguarding and PREVENT.

During 2023, the newly established employee voice group for neurodiversity launched an additional eLearning module explaining how neurodivergent members of staff can be supported in the workplace and the Service has made changes to some of its recruitment processes. 



10. Recruitment and Selection 

Recruitment and progression data is analysed and reported to the EDI Steering Group.  The demographic profile of the Services is reported quarterly to the Performance Committee.  LFRS continues its journey to improve the diversity of the workforce to ensure that it represents the community it serves.  Positive action was delivered to attract a diversity of candidates to fill the Wholetime firefighter apprenticeship course planned for September and May 2022.  The Service has taken an integrated approach in terms of delivering positive action and promoting LFRS as an employer of choice, colleagues from human resources, prevention and operational staff work together to deliver attraction events supported by other colleagues from the services employee voice groups.  Thirteen “Have a Go” events were delivered by project members, venues included sports centres, colleges, our own sites, including Nelson Fire Station and Training Centre.

The events are supported by Corporate Communications who deliver an integrated targeted social media campaign delivered utilising Facebook ‘Events’ and Instagram Posts, and Twitter ‘Tweets’ were also utilised to reach almost 1,200,000 people.  Social media is targeted at under-represented groups of people. 

A total of 359 people attended across the events, of which 11% were BME; 17% were female and 15% were from the LGBTQ+ community. 


In November 2022 an internal audit was carried out on the Service’s approach to positive action and concluded that “the current recruitment activity adopts Positive Action approach, the processes and controls that are in place are adequate, efficient, and effective at ensuring the right person is recruited to each individual role.  A strong control environment exists, and various processes and plans are in place to ensure that the service continues to promote Lancashire Fire and Rescue as an employer of choice.  This includes recruiting a workforce which is diverse and meets the needs of the people of Lancashire and the communities it serves”, with no actions or recommendations identified.


Applications opened again on 1 August 2022 and closed on 10 August 2022 with 577 valid applications received.


Of the 577 who applied the demographic profile of applicants was as follows:

Total Applications

Male % of total

Female % of total

BME % of total

LGBT+% of total

Disabled % of total








The outcome further to a robust recruitment process was as follows:

Total Selected

Male % of total

Female % of total

BME % of total

LGBT+% of total

Disabled % of total








This is in addition to 153 other recruitment episodes associated with Grey and Green Book staff which occurred 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2023 full details are included at Appendix B.


The Service has developed a talent gateway which allows for the quicker progression of operational members of staff with potential and has also developed functional routes to allow progression through the ranks where incident command isn’t a preference for operational members of staff.  During 2024, the Service will be exploring a direct entry route for high performing graduates who have successfully achieved the Fire and Leadership degree.

11. Achievement, turnover and progression of wholetime firefighter apprentices


LFRS is an employer provider of firefighter operational apprenticeships. As at 31 March 2023 the Service had 84 firefighter apprentices and 64 have successfully completed their end point assessment.  100% of LFRS apprentice firefighters has passed the end point assessment compared to 99.9% nationally.  Of the 64 passes, six gained distinctions. 


12. Workforce Strategies and Policies 


LFRS has several policies which support employees with a protected characteristic including:


·           Bullying and Harassment Policy.

·           Maternity Handbook (incorporating Paternity and Adoption).

·           Shared Parental Leave.

·           Grievance Policy.

·           Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

·           Flexible Working.

·           Recruitment and Selection.

·           Living with the Menopause.

·           Supporting People with Dyslexia.

·           HIV.

·           Equality Impact Assessment/Equality Analysis.

·           Code of Conduct.

·           Flexitime Policy


During 2022, the harassment and bullying policy was updated to ensure that it more clearly identified the types of discrimination that those from the LGBTQ+ community may face.  The maternity, paternity, and adoption provisions available to members of staff have been improved.   The Code of Conduct has been updated incorporating the Code of Ethics.  The Service has been exploring how it can support members of staff who are neurodivergent and a new policy has been developed explaining neurodiversity and the support available.  The flexitime policy is in the process of being updated to create for flexibility for members of staff whilst balancing the needs of the business.


LFRS also monitors employees who are involved in disciplinary action, grievances and harassment and bullying complaints.  Additionally, the Service is now required to notify HMICFRS of any allegations that have the potential to constitute staff gross misconduct.  A profile is attached at Appendix C. However, the full details in some areas of the profile are not reported in public due to the low numbers and the need to preserve confidentiality of the employee.


13. Engagement and Consultation


The Service has a consultation strategy which was implemented during 2022 to consult on proposals for changes to emergency cover in Lancashire. Following a 12-week consultation, 1,224 responses were received from residents, staff and stakeholders.  During the implementation period of the Emergency Cover Review face to face and teams meetings were delivered to engage with all members of staff affected. 

Collaboration with multiple partners continues, particularly those in the Lancashire Resilience Forum which includes the Authorities of Lancashire and Lancashire Constabulary.

The Services approach to engagement is tailored to meet the need, over the winter period the Services worked with other partners including Age UK and Electricity Northwest to engage with those at increased risk of fire during the cost-of-living crisis.  In addition, the Service engages with the public regularly via social media and other digital channels being actively monitored and evaluated.

Staff engagement is a key performance indicator reported to the Combined Fire Authority and is achieved through a variety of activities carried out every day across the service including station visits, digital staff sessions, appraisals and team meetings.

The services Intranet, known as “The Engine House” is successful and the “Shout Up” section allows for staff to discuss and share their views on a range of topics, all members of staff can raise questions, ideas and improvements and staff are regularly involved in testing and trialling new equipment and ways of working.   Four employee voice groups comprising staff from under-represented groups in a wide variety of roles and ranks provide insight and feedback to inform Service policies, procedures, and campaigns: race and religion, women and families, LBGTQ+, and neurodiversity.  The groups are a useful mechanism for consulting with staff and receiving feedback, ensuring that any negative impact is fully understood and mitigated.  Volunteers from staff are also sought to form staff working groups, during 2022/2023 this approach was utilised to explore options relating to future crewing arrangements, climate change response vehicles, and urban search and rescue teams.

 A comprehensive staff survey is undertaken periodically to gain insight from all staff on a range of topics including leadership and management, training and development, and equality, diversity and inclusion. The feedback is used to shape future activity and bring about improvements and new ideas. The survey includes a staff engagement index which is a measure of overall staff engagement based on levels of pride, advocacy, attachment, inspiration, and motivation. The current staff engagement index score is 79% (2021) and staff are due to be surveyed again in 2023.  Surveys and consultations are held on specific matters and in the last year these have included proposals for improvements to emergency cover and working the on-call duty system. During 2023, the Corporate Communications Team will be introducing pulse surveys so they can get more regular feedback on issues affecting members of staff.

A programme of wellbeing interactions such as workplace toolbox talks, station visits, workshops and wellbeing support dog visits support the delivery of the Services Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Business Fire Safety, Community Fire Safety and Service Delivery engage with different communities within their area delivering a range of prevention activities and undertaking Business and Home Fire Safety checks working towards keeping communities across Lancashire safe. 

Consultation with the Trade Unions takes place through formal and informal consultation meetings, the Service now recognises the Fire and Rescue Service Association (FRSA) and the Fire Officers Association (FOA) for the purposes of collective bargaining.  Workforce and employment-related decisions and documents are reviewed with trade union representatives and other members of staff from within LFRS.


14. Performance Management


The Annual Service Plan details the activities we will undertake in the year to deliver the strategy we set in our Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).  The most important of these activities are managed by the Leadership Team through the Corporate Programme Board.  Local Delivery Plans (departmental and district plans) which detail activity which further supports the delivery of our strategy, but which is led by local teams.


All staff have a performance appraisal where objectives are set which support the delivery of our plans and feedback is given about performance in relation to our values.  Further to feedback from members of staff the performance appraisal tool was simplified this year.  Within the performance appraisal is the opportunity to have a career conversation, a useful tool to inform workforce planning.  The number of people who had an appraisal was 93% for Wholetime staff, 92% for On Call and 81% for Green Book members of staff.  


15. Bullying and Harassment


LFRS has a bullying and harassment procedure for dealing with employee complaints in relation to concerns relating to bullying, or behaviour.  Further to complaints, issues are fully investigated in accordance with the bullying and harassment procedure, or the disciplinary procedure depending on the clarity of the information available.   Details are attached at Appendix C. 


16. Issues of concern of employees


The Service also has a grievance procedure which is the main procedure used for dealing with other employee concerns in relation to a broader range of issues other than misconduct.  The Service has promoted the principle of encouraging employees to voice their concerns informally, encouraging line managers to “nip issues in the bud” and then adopt a more formal approach where issues remain unresolved, which has worked successfully.  This approach is supplemented by station visits by Senior Managers and a cross checking of matters being raised across the Service to identify any underlying themes of concern.


During 2023 further to feedback from employee voice groups and consultation with line managers, the Service will be adopting an anonymous reporting line “Safe Call” where volunteers, members of staff and cadets can raise issues of concern anonymously.


17. GenderPay Gap (GPG)


17.1 Provision of Gender Pay Gap Information


LFRS are required, under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, to publish an annual Gender Pay Gap report.  The Act requires that organisations with 250 or more employees must report on their Gender Pay Gap using a snapshot date of 31 March 2023.  This information is required to be published on the LFRS and Government website and measures the difference between hourly earnings of men and women.


The Gender Pay Gap is an equality measure that shows the difference in average earnings between women and men in the workforce.  It does not show differences in pay for comparable jobs, unequal pay for men and women is illegal, rather it compares hourly rates of pay and any bonuses staff may receive by gender, highlighting any areas of imbalance.  The causes of the Gender Pay Gap are complex and overlapping.  A higher proportion of women choose occupations that offer less financial reward, for example in administration.  Many sectors are disproportionately made up of male workers and a much higher proportion of women work part-time and part-time workers earn less than their full-time counterparts on average. 


According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the Gender Pay Gap nationally has been declining slowly over time and over the last decade it has fallen by approximately a quarter.  Provisional ONS data for 2022 shows the UK average Gender Pay Gap continuing a downward trend, with the GPG among all employees decreased to 14.9%, from 15.1% in 2021, but still down from 17.4% in 2019.


17.2 Employees for the purposes of the Gender Pay Gap


On the snapshot date, 31 March 2023, LFRS employed 1313 people.  A significantly higher proportion of men than women are employed in the Service.  The Service has a far larger volume of operational roles within the Service and currently those roles have traditionally been more commonly occupied by men, where turnover is low.   Women make up the larger proportion of staff in support roles.


17.3 Mean Gender Pay Gap


The mean (average) Gender Pay Gap is calculated by adding together the hourly pay rates of all female employees and dividing by the total number of females to create a mean (average).  This calculation is repeated for men and the difference in the two figures identifies the Gender Pay Gap.   Using this calculation methodology across LFRS, the mean Gender Pay Gap is significantly different than the national average which is 12.74% in favour of women who on average earn on average £1.76 per hour more than men.


17.4 Median Gender Pay Gap


To calculate the median Gender Pay Gap all women’s earnings are ranked and all men’s earnings are ranked, by their hourly pay, to establish the middle of the female pay range compared to the middle of the male pay range.  The difference between the two is the median pay gap. The median Gender Pay Gap at LFRS equates to 6.38%.  This means that men on average earn £1.00 more than women. 


The inclusion of On-Call and dual contracted staff who are primarily male significantly skews the mean and the median Gender Pay Gap on the basis that the way their earnings are accrued, results in a large number of men with lower earnings at the bottom of the ranking which accounts for the results. 


17.5 Occupational Group 


An analysis of the quartile distribution by occupational group demonstrates that 84% of the employees in the lower quartile are On-Call staff.  This group of staff equate to 21% of the employee population.


Table showing salary quartile band summary by occupational group


Most female part time support staff are found in the lower-middle quartile, with fewer in the upper middle and upper quartiles. 


The proportion of women in the upper-middle and upper quartile is representative of the overall proportion of women within the LFRS workforce.  The upper-middle quartile is predominantly male, but this is where most members of staff are undertaking the role of Firefighter.   A high proportion of men undertake the role of Firefighter, so it is therefore unsurprising that this quartile is male dominated.


A high proportion of male employees employed on the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Service terms and conditions (known commonly as the ‘Grey Book’), attract additional allowances that are not available to staff conditioned to the NJC for Local Government Service (‘Green Book’) support staff, the majority of which are female.  These additional allowances increase Grey Book average earnings and moves this staff group to the lower middle quartile, as demonstrated in the table below.


It is recognised that women are significantly under-represented in the operational workforce and consequently LFRS is committed to increasing the number of female firefighters.  This forms an important part of LFRS’s approach to EDI within the Service.  LFRS is now undertaking positive action initiatives aimed at encouraging people from under-represented groups to apply for positions in the organisation.  Recruitment activity is locally monitored (including the levels of attraction and appointment) to identify problem areas to drive forward improvements. 





Appendix A




Employment monitoring data is collected and reported annually in relation to all protected groups apart from gender reassignment due to the sensitive confidential nature of this data. 


These following figures relate to the total number of posts occupied by members of staff, this allows for dual contracted members of staff to be included twice, due to them undertaking two roles within the Service.


1. Workforce Demographics LFRS


Total No of roles

White British





Ave Age



















Since last year 2021/22 there has been a slight increase in the number of women, we employ from 18% to 18.9%.  There has been a slight reduction in the number of people who are BME from 3.7% to 3.2% and a slight reduction in the number of people we employ who declare a disability from 2.8% to 2.6%.  There has been an increase in the number of people who identify as LGBT+ from 3% to 3.7%. 


2. Prevention and Protection


(i)            Protection: Business Fire Safety Staff inclusive of FSM








Ave Age in years










(ii)          Prevention: District Community Safety Staff and HQ Prevention Staff  








Ave Age in years









The diversity within prevention and protection is more positive. 


(iii)         Prevention: Princes Trust Programme Support Green Book staff








Ave Age in years









There has been a slight reduction in the number of women and people who are BME in the Princes Trust, however the increase in men has increased the diversity of the Department. 


3. Response Grey Book Operational staff including resilience and specialist capability


(i)            Wholetime Firefighters (including apprentices) : 224, Flexible Day Crewing and DCP duty roles




Total No of staff








Ave Age









First Line Supervisors[4]

















There has been an increase in women employed within the wholetime Service and a slight reduction in the number of people who are BME.  There has been a slight reduction in the numbers of people who declare a disability. 


(ii)          On-Call



Total No of On-call staff







Ave Age


































There has been a slight reduction in the number of women employed within the On-call Service, the number of people who are BME continues to fluctuate slightly. There has been a slight increase in the number of people who declare they have a disability.


(iii) . Support Staff Grey Book (Including TOR, Control, Day Duty staff - refers to terms of employment)


Total No of staff






Ave Age





















4. Female Firefighter operational workforce[5]


The total number of women employed within operations increased from 86 to 91.


Crewing System
























Day Duty (including Protection)
























The total number of 91 refers to the total number of women in table 3. i (52) in table 3.ii (26) plus (9) in table 5 who undertake the day duty system in TOR and (4) who are grey book Fire Safety.


There is a total on 23 female supervisory managers which has increased from 21.


5. Business Support Staff Green Book


Total No of staff






Ave Age
















Whilst the number of staff who are BME was increasing there was a slight reduction last year.  The number of women is high within support services and remains fairly static


6. Turnover



Staff Category




Ethnic Minority


% of females

% of BME

























Service Delivery (CFS)








Support Staff

















There has been a slight reduction in the number of women leaving the Service overall.  There has been a slight increase in the number of people who declare they have a disability and who are BME leaving. 


7. Age Profile


Staff Category








Under 34















On Call
















Service Delivery (CFS)








Support Staff

















There has been an increase in the total number of people employed aged under 34 years and 35-39 years and a reduction in the number of people aged 45 - 55 years.   Within the wholetime service 22% are aged under 34 years old as compared to 18% in the previous year.  Within the On Call service the numbers of people progressing from the under 34 category is reflective of those who have moved into the aged 35 - 39 category.







Appendix B

Recruitment Profile

Applications during the period 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2023


Total Applications




% of female

% of BME







% Disabled





























4. 5.2


















































































Number of applications

The number of total applications for roles within LFRS has risen since 2021-2022 by 2.7%. 

The percentage of applications from men has reduced by 0.2% during this reporting period, whilst the number of female applicants has increased by 16% on the previous year. Men comprised 79% of all applications compared to 82% in 2021/22.  There was another significant rise in the number of applications from minority groups.  BME applicants increased by 30% compared with a 28% increase from the previous year, making over 12% of all applicants; there was 1 more disabled applicant in this period, a rise of 1% of total applicants from 2021/22.   There was an increase of 26 more applicants from the LGBTQ+ community during the period 2022/23, making this an increase of 21% from the previous year.  These figures show that LFRS are continuing to make progress in becoming an employer of choice for under-represented groups. 


With regards to shortlisting, BME applicants again increased, resulting in 9.4% of those shortlisted as opposed to just below 7% in 2022/23, which represented 41% of all BME applicants – an increase of almost 10% on the previous year.

Female applicants made up 22.1% of all those shortlisted, an almost 2% increase on last year, with 58% of female applicants successful at shortlisting, an increase of 5% from 2021/22. 

Applications from those who identified at LGBT+ comprised 7.3% of those shortlisted – the same as last year and 53% of applicants from that group were successful in being shortlisted. 

Those applicants declaring a disability made up 5% of shortlisted applicants in 2022/23 which remained static from 2021/22.  However, there was an increase in the percentage of disabled applicants being successful at shortlisting, with over 52% reaching the interview stage, as opposed to under half in 2021/22 and in 2020/21.


The Service made 244 appointments in 2022/23 compared with 316 in 2021/22. Of our new employees, 57% of these were men (a decrease of 24%) and 25% were women (an increase of 6% on last year).

Those employed from BME groups comprised 8% (4.5% in 2021/22) of the total number of new starters with 5% (5.3% in 21/22) coming from LGB&T groups and 5% having declared themselves as having a disability, which is a 0.3% increase since the period 2021/22. 

Over 500 of our applicants for vacancies in 2022/23 were for Wholetime Apprentice Firefighter posts, however the selection process was halted in October 2022 to facilitate the Service’s requirement to recruit resilience staff to cover the prospective industrial action.   This accounts in some part for the reduction in appointments in relation to the total number of applicants compared to the previous year.

Grey Book Promotions per rank during the period 1.4.2021 – 31.3.2022

Senior Manager[6]:

Of the successful candidates 100% were male.  None were from a BME group.   


Middle Manager[7]:

Of the successful candidates 18% were female.  9% declared a disability.  None of the successful candidates were from a BME group.


Talent Gateway for Supervisory Crew Manager:

Of the successful candidates: 22% were female, which was a 20% increase on last year, 11% declared a disability and 11% were from the LGBTQ+ community.  None of the successful candidates were from a BME group.


Talent Gateway for Supervisory Watch Managers:

Of the successful candidates: 20% were female, which is a 20% increase on last year.  7% were from a BME background, and 13% were from the LGBTQ+ community. None of the successful candidates declared a disability.


Middle Manager Development


Middle Manager Development Programme, of those identified for the programme:

17% were female and 83% were male. 17% declared a disability. None of the candidates attending were from a BME group.




Training attending for operation members of staff is compulsory and is assigned by rank and role regardless of protected characteristic.  Further to the implementation of the new Learning Management System eLMS additional reporting in relation to training attended will become available.




Appendix C


C.i Disciplinary Cases for the period 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2023


There were 19 disciplinary investigations during the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 this is a decrease of 7 compared to the previous year. 







Appeal Upheld









In terms of the outcomes of these cases:

·         One dismissal,

·         Two final written warning,

·         One first written warning,

·         Nine that resulted in another outcome, i.e. five verbal warning, two informal warnings via a letter of concern outlining concerns and expected behaviours, two, ‘Note for Case’. 

·         One no case to answer,

·         Five cases are not yet concluded,

·         No appeals.

The disciplinary investigations were relating to alleged breaches to Service policy, eg vehicle damage or damage to property by vehicles, failure to uphold the values of the Service, e.g. inappropriate use of social media, failure to follow reasonable instructions, failure to respond, and alleged criminal activity outside the workplace.

HMICFRS have now made it a requirement that Chief Fire Officers notify them of any allegations that have the potential to constitute staff gross misconduct that:

·         involve allegations of a criminal nature that have the potential to affect public confidence in FRSs.

·         are of a serious nature; or

·         relate to Assistant Chief Fire Officers or those at equivalent or higher grades.


No disproportionate impact can be identified on any minority group.



C.ii Matters of Grievance for the period 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2023

There were eight grievance cases during the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022







Appeal Upheld









There were eight grievance cases during the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 which is a decrease of seven compared to the previous year.

Seven grievances were not upheld, and one was partially upheld. 


There was one appeal and the original determination of one grievance (not upheld) remained in place. 


In terms of the reason for the grievances, five were pay related, one was promotion relation, one was related to disciplinary process, and one was related to OHU.  


No disproportionate impact can be identified on any minority group.


C.iii Harassment and Bullying Cases   1.4.2022 – 31.3.2023

There was one case identified as a potential harassment and bullying case during the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, which is the same number as the previous year. 

Whilst the individual did not wish to pursue a formal complaint, the case was informally investigated.

The complainant was a woman, the sample size is so small that no disproportionate impact can be identified on any minority group.



Appendix D

Completed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2022 – 2023


Equality Objectives: Our Communities

(i)           Support local business to reduce the risk of fire and remain compliant within fire safety legislation

(ii)          Reduce the number and impact of fire and other emergencies to our diverse communities across Lancashire

(iii)        Develop and deliver a Prevention Service targeting our most vulnerable communities

What we will deliver

Measure of Success


Target Date

Progress to date


Present the EDI Annual Report to the Fire Authority.



Members are aware of their commitments

and accountabilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty

Members are aware of progress to date.

Chief Fire Officer


The EDI Annual Report has been presented to the Fire Authority 2022


Reduce accidental fires in the home through targeting those people who are at risk due to a range of factors including age, disability and lifestyle.   


Reduce accidental fires

1.3 Accidental Dwelling Fires

1.4 Accidental Dwelling Fire Casualties

Head of Prevention and Protection


Created and published a cost-of-living toolkit, including updating the LFRS website and training to staff.

Reviewed and embedded the NFCC cost of living toolkit within our own.

Worked with key partners to support changes to the provision of Telecare.

Protection and Prevention leads for asylum accommodation and resettlement identified and embedded.


Work with at risk groups and local partners to contribute to the reduction and severity of road collisions in Lancashire.  Young People are particularly at high risk of being killed or seriously injured.

Reduce those killed or seriously injured. 



Head of Prevention and Protection 



LFRS HoPP is now the Vice Chair of the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership with oversight for the Young Road Users working group.


Intelligence in relation to those killed or seriously injured on Lancashire roads is shared with local managers to influence district planning and CSP engagement.


Ensure our services are accessible and meet the needs of people in the community by ensuring that fire prevention material is linked to a range of risks including cultural risks.

CRMP is informed by disaggregated data and takes into account differential impacts and varying needs

Head of Service Development (Lead for LGBTQ)


Delivered electrical and cooking safety campaigns at CFS key locations to raise awareness in relation to electrical and cooking safety during Eid Milad-un-Nabi celebrations where Mosques and individual houses are decorated electrical lighting.

Delivered communications to support the Ramadan safety campaign included social media and website activity, loose clothing leaflets and an e-newsletter to 72,000 LFRS subscribers. A feature broadcast on BBC North West Tonight included interviews with community safety advisors and a family who had experienced a fire due to loose clothing.

Fire Kills home fire safety leaflets were also printed and distributed in Urdu and Gujurati as part of the campaign.


Use a wide range of communication channels ensuring our safety messages meet the different needs of our communities in terms of timing of the campaign and types of risk.

Reduction in KPI activity.


Head of Media and Corporate Communications


The Prevention Teams have been engaging with Asylum Seekers via drop-ins group talks and have produced pictorial cards and posters communicating safety messages.

The rural fire safety folder has been refreshed providing safety guidance to rural communities. 

A Warm-Hub has been established at N32 which creates opportunities to engage with vulnerable members of the community. 

The Service has engaged with First Light Trust which supports high risk veterans, this has facilitated HFSC and the distribution of winter safety thermometers.

Representatives from prevention attended the Age Concern Winter Resilience Awareness Information Event which generated 10 HFSC for older people who had no smoke alarms, engaged with 50 people in relation to Winter safety messages. 

Corporate Communications promoted key messages via Pendle Community radio about electrical safety and cooking / loose clothing safety.

Prevention have been working with refugee organisations to deliver Home Fire Safety Checks.

Advertising has been undertaken on pharmacy prescription bags to target vulnerable older people as part of the Be Safe and Save campaign centred on keeping warm safely in winter.

10,000 addresses have been targeted with a letter from the service offering older, high-risk residents a home fire safety check as part of home fire safety campaign.

7 fire safety videos have been produced in British Sign Language and Fire Kills Home Fire Safety leaflets published in 26 languages. All available on the LFRS website at:

TV interview with Dunya News to reach Urdu speaking residents about the Service’s response to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Temperature cards have been developed and guidance on how to keep warm safely distributed.


Attend any FRS hosted conferences and events to identify learning best practice.

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

All Heads of Department


CFO East Sussex Dawn Whitaker attended the neurodiversity group to share good practice in relation to policy development, recruitment and selection and neurodiversity allies. 


Attend Pride events in 20222/23 promoting LFRS Prevention and Protection work streams and also LFRS as an employer.

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

Head of Service Development (Lead for LGBTQ) 


Pride events were attended in different Districts including Blackpool, Blackburn, Lancaster, Morecambe and Preston.   This created opportunities to engage with the LGBT+ community to show support, break down barriers and create positive relationships across the County


Ensure the LFRS website complies with New Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 which will ensure that information is accessible

An inclusive website and apps that meet the new accessibility standard

Achieve Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard for external websites

Head of Media and Comms


Following partial compliance with the Regulations, work is underway to develop a new website that will be fully compliant. It is expected to be completed in summer 2023. An updated accessibility statement has been published on the website in the meantime.


Identify opportunities to improve engagement with diverse community groups across Lancashire

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

Head of Media and Corporate Communications


Donated Safe and Warm Bags, battery operated radios and Fire Safety Information to the Christmas Day Hub in Morecambe which offered support to the elderly and vulnerable at Christmas.

Supported several dementia and Alzheimer’s initiatives across Lancashire, including the establishment of an effective referral process for those who have been newly diagnosed. 

Visited Mosques / Madrassa’s, community centres, key leaders, Imams, and local residents to inform and cascade key electrical safety messages within the local community.

Delivered key presentations within key targeted wards.

Attended local mosques, women’s groups and Islamic boys and girls school as part of the Ramadan safety campaign focusing on loose clothing fires, kitchen safety, smoke alarms and escape plans.

Appointed main contractor and implemented social value plans which included working with the Amazing Graze Charity and community fire safety team in Blackpool. 


Review the existing EIA process with a view to establishing improvement.

Embed the equality impact assessment process leading to better policy development and the needs of staff and the community are full considered

Head of Human Resources


Promoted the completion of EIAs via various channels.

Updated the EIA forms and documentation building in quality control.

Dedicated content was developed on the Engine House to support the development of EIAs.  


Undertake an Equality Impact Assessment at the start of every Prevention campaign

Ensure that prevention activity is targeting underrepresented groups. 

Head of Prevention


An EIA is undertaken prior to all service wide campaigns.


Service Delivery leads to ensure local EDI actions are identified amd included in the District Plan

LFRS meets the needs of underrepresented groups in terms of keeping the community safe 

Heads of Service Delivery


The CPMs presenting quarterly report on progress against their District Plan covering EDI activity to the Heads of Service Delivery and attend the EDI Steering Group to update on progress. 


Use Equality Access Statements to help plan prevention activity

LFRS meets the needs of underrepresented groups in terms of keeping the community safe

Head of Prevention


The Engine House has been updated to include reference to the Equality Access Statements, the information contained within them is being used to shape Equality Impact Assessments.


Identify if there are additional training needs for Prevention Teams in relation to LGBT+

LFRS meets the needs of underrepresented groups in terms of keeping the community safe

Head of Prevention


A gap analysis is underway to identify the training provision currently done and if there is any best practise training on the market.



Equality Objectives: Our Workforce

(i)            Promote Equality in our workforce policies and practices

(ii)           Develop our staff to ensure they can respond competently meeting the different needs of our diverse communities.

What we will deliver


Measure of Success


Target Date



Recruit, promote and retain a workforce which is diverse which meets the needs of the community we service via:

Attendance at Pride Events

Positive action campaigns

On call recr

uitment initiatives.

Identify any key trends in relation to the workforce.


Head of Human Resources


The Service hosted an event open to staff and members of the public on 8 March 2023, for International Women’s Day sharing information on recruitment, promotion, the range of family friendly arrangements in the Service, maintaining fitness and promoting LFRS as an employer of choice.

A review of catering provision supporting staff at operational incidents was completed ensuring the dietary requirements of different faiths was met. 

Women in the Fire Service attend a slot on the wholetime induction, opportunities for engaging with On Call are currently being explored. 

An awareness LearnPro module been launched in relation to neurodiversity so far 80% completion rate. 

On-call recruitment campaigns were delivered featuring crew case studies to highlight and recognise local people making a difference in their communities and at the same time encourage others to consider supporting their local station.

LFRS won Fire Brigade of the Year at the GG2 Leadership and Diversity Awards 2022.

LFRS, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service won Partnership of the Year Award in the Asian Fire Service Association Award 2022.


Develop a mentoring scheme for female firefighters

The workforce becomes more inclusive

Head of Human Resources


The existing mentoring Scheme has been refreshed called Lift and Climb aimed at identifying suitable mentors to provide support and guidance to women and other groups who wish to progress further


Engage and communicate with staff through:

Regular engagement with representative bodies.

Supporting external diversity and inclusion networks which promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and share Information.

Supporting existing internal networks

A workforce which feels inclusive and is more engaged

Chief Fire Officer


EDI Steering Group





EDI leads


Regular meetings taking place with representative bodies.

Rabbi Danny Bergson from St Annes Hebrew Congregation attended the EDI steering group to talk about the Jewish community in Lancashire.

Internal communications were circulated about the community cohesion benefits of visiting religious buildings for prevention and protection purposes and signposting.

Internal communications were circulated during International Women’s Day.

Internal communications were circulated working with the neurodiversity employee voice group to promote Neurodiversity Celebration Week including external events, the stories of staff.

The Service’s staff awards were delivered, these include the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Star Award category which is awarded to an individual or a team that is committed to valuing and understanding diversity within the workplace and communities.

ACO worked with the Elected Member for Chorley to develop an EDI relationship and networking event for Chorley, S Ribble and Preston area. Also attended the Chorley Community Cohesion meeting with member and local CPM/SM to improve networking opportunities.


Job Evaluate Green Book posts as per the National Evaluation Scheme. 

Ensure equality of pay and grading as per legislative requirements

Head of Human Resources


Posts are job evaluated using an equality job evaluation scheme as they are created and or as changes are implemented


Respond to the outcomes of the Gender Pay Gap Reporting requirements

A more diverse workforce representative of Lancashire

Head of Human Resources


Positive action is being undertaking to encourage a diversity of applications.

Engagement with training and development opportunities are being promoted to encouraged amongst different groups of staff.


Develop a strong organisational culture where the behaviours of our leaders are understood and championed with a view to embedding our values.

Strengthen leadership and line management to support organisational change


Head of Human Resources


Code of Ethics Sessions ongoing and expanded to include some of the learning from cultural reviews across other services.

Code of Ethics built into induction arrangements.

All supervisory and middle managers attend the ILM 3 or ILM 5.

Delivered training via ACAS on undertaking disciplinary investigations.

Undertaking DBS checks for employees new to the Service who undertake an operational or Community Fire Safety role.

All leaders in the Service given personal issue guide to values and behaviours.


Increase the numbers of LGBT staff who are open in the workplace.


A more diverse workforce

All Heads of Department


The number has increased from March 2022 of 34 members of staff to 44 members of staff in March 2023.


Support relevant campaigns promoting awareness of issues impacting on minority ethnic communities.


A workforce who is engaged and feels valued and contributes to effective decision making

All EDI leads


As part of Black History Month, work was undertaken locally around several campaigns including Preston Carnival and Preston Windrush Festival.

Dedicated content on The Engine House intranet created to support colleagues observing Ramadan and their line managers in addition to the Ramadan safety campaign.

Promoted Iftar events across the county to staff and several attended by officers.

Participation in the One Voice community cohesion event ‘I’m not a Muslim but I will fast for one day’.


Involve representatives from EDI groups in relation to any proposed changes to property or equipment and ensure an EIA is completed


A workforce who is engaged and feels valued

Head of Property




Equality Impact assessments are completed in relation to any decision which impacts communities and/or employees, as part of their development the employee voice groups are consulted, and recommendations implemented to improve the policy


Invest in our estate to upgrade station facilities to meet the needs of the users

A workforce who have facilities to operate from that are fit for purpose


Head of Property


Works to improve the female welfare facilities at Preston to be completed Q1/23.

Works to improve the facilities at Blackpool by creating gender neutral toilet and shower facilities to create individual cubicles, individual bedrooms, and a quiet room to progress in 23/24.

The AFSA Workplace Toolkit was used to inform alterations to the quiet room at P94 to provide more adequate space


Deliver an event at TOR aimed at communicating the promotion pathways and attracting women to different roles within the Service

The workforce becomes more diverse over a range of different occupations

Group Manager CPI

(Lead for Women and Families)


A “Women at Work” event called Embrace the Pace of your own Journey was held on 7 October 2022 at the Service Training Centre which was open to all members of staff and was attended by senior officers from LFRS and delegates from across the NW region.


Establish standardised quality assured recruitment materials which can be used at recruitment events

A more diverse workforce

Head of Human Resources


Existing recruitment materials have been reviewed and updated where required. This includes banners, leaflets, website content and digital graphics. New material is also being produced. 


Complete a review of HR policies ensuring gender neutrality

A workforce which feels valued

Head of Human Resources


Review completed of all HR policies ensuring gender neutrality.


Develop induction material for new employees providing information which includes information on the different employee voice groups

A workforce which feels valued

Head of Human Resources


Induction material has been developed which includes information on employee voice groups.


Produce a neurodiversity policy, providing guidance and support for employees and line managers

A workforce which feels valued

Head of TOR


A policy which supports employees who neurodiverse has been developed.  The Service is in the process of refreshing its learning management system which will record evidence of competency in different ways, meeting the different learning needs of members of staff.


Review recruitment and selection processes, both internal and external, to ensure that they are inclusive and consider the needs of neurodiverse applicants.

A workforce which is diverse and which needs the needs of the community

Head of TOR


Interview questions being provided in advance of the interview to candidates to allow time for preparation.

Further activity in relation to this item will feature in 2023/2024


















Appendix E

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2023 – 2024

Equality Objectives: Our Communities

(iv)         Support local business to reduce the risk of fire and remain compliant within fire safety legislation.

(v)          Reduce the number and impact of fire and other emergencies to our diverse communities across Lancashire.

(vi)         Develop and deliver a Prevention Service targeting our most vulnerable communities.

What we will deliver

Measure of Success


Target Date


Present the EDI Annual Report to the Fire Authority.

Members are aware of their commitments and accountabilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Chief Fire Officer



Reduce accidental fires in the home through targeting those people who are at risk due to a range of factors including age, disability and lifestyle.   

Reduce accidental fires

1.3 Accidental Dwelling Fires

1.4 Accidental Dwelling Fire Casualties

Head of Prevention and Protection



Work with at risk groups and local partners to contribute to the reduction and severity of road collisions in Lancashire.  Young People are particularly at high risk of being killed or seriously injured.

Reduce those killed or seriously injured. 



Head of Prevention and Protection 




Ensure our services are accessible and meet the needs of people in the community by ensuring that fire prevention material is linked to a range of risks including cultural risks.

CRMP is informed by disaggregated data and considers differential impacts and varying needs

Head of Service Development (Lead for LGBTQ)



Use a wide range of communication channels ensuring our safety messages meet the different needs of our communities in terms of timing of the campaign and types of risk.

Reduction in KPI activity.


Head of Media and Corporate Communications



Attend any FRS hosted conferences and events to identify learning best practice.

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

All Heads of Department



Attend Pride events in 2023/24 promoting LFRS Prevention and Protection work streams and also LFRS as an employer of choice.

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

Head of Service Development (Lead for LGBTQ) 



Ensure the LFRS website complies with New Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 which will ensure that information is accessible

An inclusive website and apps that meet the new accessibility standard.

Achieve Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard for external websites

Head of Media and Comms



Identify opportunities to improve engagement with diverse community groups across Lancashire

Engaged communities who are confident in LFRS aim of keeping them safer

Head of Media and Corporate Communications



Complete an Audit of the existing EIA process.

Embed the equality impact assessment process leading to better policy development and the needs of staff and the community are full considered

Asst Director HR



Map the languages spoken in Lancashire against the community risk and provide fire safety advice in relevant languages

LFRS Meets the needs of underrepresented groups in terms of keeping the community safe

Head of Media and Corporate Communications



Equality Objectives: Our Workforce

(iii)          Promote Equality in our workforce policies and practices

(iv)          Develop our staff to ensure they can respond competently meeting the different needs of our diverse communities.

What we will deliver


Measure of Success


Target Date


Recruit, promote and retain a workforce which is diverse which meets the needs of the community we service via:

Attendance at Pride Events

Positive action campaigns

On call recruitment initiatives.

Identify any key trends in relation to the workforce.


Asst Director HR



Engage and communicate with staff through:

Regular engagement with representative bodies

Supporting external diversity and inclusion networks which promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and share Information.

Supporting existing internal networks

A workforce which feels inclusive and is more engaged

Chief Fire Officer

EDI Steering Group


EDI leads



Undertake a staff survey and develop smaller pulse surveys

A workforce who is engaged and feels valued.

Head of Media and Communications



Job Evaluate Green Book posts as per the National Evaluation Scheme. 

Ensure equality of pay and grading as per legislative requirements

Asst Director HR



Respond to the outcomes of the Gender Pay Gap Reporting requirements

A more diverse workforce representative of Lancashire

Asst Director HR



Develop a strong organisational culture where the behaviours of our leaders are understood and championed with a view to embedding our values.

Strengthen leadership and line management to support organisational change


Asst Director HR



Support relevant campaigns promoting awareness of issues impacting on minority ethnic communities.

A workforce who is engaged and feels valued and contributes to effective decision making

All EDI leads



Involve representatives from EDI groups in relation to any proposed changes to property or equipment and ensure an EIA is completed.


A workforce who is engaged and feels valued

Head of Property





Invest in our estate to upgrade station facilities to meet the needs of the users

A workforce who has facilities to operate from that are fit for purpose


Head of Property



Review recruitment and selection processes, both internal and external, to ensure that they are inclusive and consider the needs of neurodiverse applicants.

A workforce which is diverse, and which needs the needs of the community

Head of TOR



Review the monitoring data which is submitted to the EDI Steering Group

An organisational culture where EDI is valued and understood

Asst Director HR



Identify any learning from cultural reviews and deliver interventions accordingly

An organisational culture where EDI is valued and understood

Asst Director HR



Establish an anonymous reporting line

A workforce which is confident in raising issues of concerns utilising different routes


Asst Director HR



Embed the Code of Ethics:

Putting our communities first


Dignity and respect


Equality Diversity and Inclusion

A workforce where everyone feels valued with a shared vision of keeping the communities of Lancashire safe

Asst Director HR



Improve welfare facilities for members of staff.


A workforce where everyone feels valued

Head of Procurement and Property




[1] LFRS applies the government guidance when writing about ethnicity, for comparisons with the white group, we use ‘all other ethnic groups combined’ or ‘ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities)’.

[2] The figure refers to the total number of posts occupied by members of staff which allows for dual contracted members of staff to be included twice due to them undertaking two roles. 

[3] CFO, DCFO, ACFO, Area and Group Managers

[4] Station and Operational Watch Managers

[5] Day Duty included, not included in the operational response section

[6] Brigade and Area Manager

[7] Group and Station Manager